Class: Art of Film I

Class: Art of Film I

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Online Film Analysis

Clip A:
What I thought was the most relevant and came up the most in the clip was the axis of Action, specifically around the round card table. I felt that it followed the rule because I didn’t feel like the people were out of place. The lighting at the table is hard because the light seems to come from one centralized place. This part of the clip also has a deep focus because to help create the setting of a casino they had “dancers” in the background while the characters were in the foreground. I could instantly tell that Brad Pitt was the “leader” at the table because when he was on the screen he was shot at a low angle giving the audience the idea that he has authority. Most, if not all of the editing was cuts. In regard to dimensions, when Brad Pitt is drinking at the end of the scene in the back room he finishes drinking at the bar outside which I believe is graphic relation. 
Clip B:
In this clip the sound started out diegetic. It had the gun shot, people talking, the carousel music, people screaming, then when the fight breaks out on the carousel and the man offers to fix the carousel music starts to change and makes the audience feel the suspense of the outcome of the fight and wonder how the man is going to crawl under the carousel. This montage reminded me of the Kuleshov effect and the Bourne Ultimatum scene because the closer and closer we got to the outcome the faster the cuts would go by and the cuts went from the long shot of the crowd a medium shot of the men fighting to a close up of the woman screaming and it creates an understanding of everything that is going on while at the same time feeling a little jumpy. The perspective of the fighting on the carousel was zoom lens because the background would move and the camera itself didn’t. This also was a deep focus because you could see the bystanders in the background and the fighting in the middle ground and in the foreground you can see the horses hoof coming in and out of the frame. I thought it was interesting that Hitchcock didn’t use a high angle until the end of the clip when we already knew that the carousel was coming to a stop. 
Clip D:
The whole clip was a long take. When the axis of action changed the audience can see the movement as the steady cam followed various different people, the axis changed quite a few times throughout the scene and it fit very well into the long shot. There was music which was non-diegetic, it helped create the sense that the studio building was busy and bustling along with a feeling of suspense making me wonder why we are seeing all these different things. Also there was diegetic sound on top of the non-diegetic sound because the characters were talking. There is a deep focus for the entire clip as it is at a medium/long shot, not showing us the whole picture the whole time but seeing more than just the waist up in some parts. We can see what the setting is based off of the depth of the shots even though we are drawn to what the camera is following. 
Clip E:
In this clip the axis of action is followed well during the characters conversation. The shot is between a close up and medium shot, there is a negative space on either side of both characters which makes the room feel empty and makes the characters seem farther apart. The sound starts as diegetic with the harpsichord playing and their talking but then when he starts to imagine the opera he wrote the sound turns to non-diegetic as we start to hear a woman singing and cuts to the opera scene that he is thinking of. The woman singing is now diegetic since the scene changed and we see briefly a deep focus of the director in the foreground, the woman in the middle ground and the stage in the background. Then the clip cuts back to the room with the harpsichord and the sound is non-diegetic again since the audience can still hear the opera but can no longer see it. Then again it changes once the character stops reveling in his thoughts of the opera and is back to diegetic with the two of them talking again. 

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